We undertook a job on Selby St in Kurralta Park SA 5037. The client wanted a concrete wall cored so they could add support poles through them. This was a fairly straight forward job and something that we have done hundreds of times. The cores had to be exactly precise for each hole or the support poles would not line up properly and it could mess up the entire job.

Everything had to measured to perfection and the holes in the concrete had to be cored to the exact mm. Once we had everything measure out and everything lined up, we ensure that the concrete core machine was exactly center to the mark and began drilling away. It is important to make sure that the concrete coring machine is completely straight all the way through the coring of the concrete, If the machine is even of by 1mm that can mess the alignment of the support poles up completely.

We finished the job and everything was completed to perfection and as precise as one could get it. The concrete cores all lined up and were completely smooth on the inside. Concrete coring is a very tricky procedure and requires a lot of attention to detail.

If you have a property in Kurralta Park SA and you need any type of concrete cored, concrete cut or concrete drilled at your property, then call us today and speak with one of our professionals concrete cutters today and see what we can have done for you. We also offer some of the most affordable quotes in the region and can work with you to ensure you get the concrete work that you need.